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José Grande Gomez
Fight or Flight (2014)

Uprooted (detailed part I)
Acrylic on paper 44" x 30"

Uprooted (detailed part II)
Acrylic on paper 44" x 30"

Uprooted (detailed part III)
acrylic on paper 44" x 30"

Unexpected Drift
Acrylic on paper 44" x 30"

Prospective Wasteland
Ball point pen, ink, and acrylic on paper 38.625" x 27.25"

Out of Luck
Acrylic on paper 39" x 26"

Murder of Crows
Ink wash pencil and acrylic on paper 44" x 30"

Fight or Flight
Ink wash pencil and acrylic on paper 44" x 30"
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